Thursday, March 30, 2006

I must see God – or I am ruined

Matthew 5:8 "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

I have been taking this promise personally today. Almost everyone I know is struggling, including myself. But I will go to this promise. And I will wait.

Unless I see God I am ruined. The best thing I can do for my family, church and my own joy is to seek a deeper communion with Christ.

God has blessed my family, my ministry and my soul more in the last six months than I could ever hope or imagine. But he has been good to let me taste some discouragement. This is a bitter medicine to hold back pride and ingratitude.

So I confess: I worked from my talents rather than the Spirit. I have not trusted Him to provide. I have wanted to please people and gain some security in their approval.

Pray with me for pure heart, beceause I must see God or I am runied.

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