Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Can This Church Be Saved? 4 Signs It Too Far Gone

It seems like God is raising up many pastors who are called to reform local congregations. The guys at 9Marks blog have been talking about how church reform glorifies God. Now they are asking what to look for in a church. Can this church be saved? Here are four things that would make church reform impossible. Read the whole article on the 9Marks blog.

1) that has formally rejected the gospel.
2) where I disagreed with a settled statement of faith.
3) that would require me to do things that I believed to be wrong. (baptise infants, or submit to an extra-congregational authority)
4) where my conscience would be otherwise constrained by forbidding me to do things that I would feel is the responsibility of the gospel minister: I would not pastor a church where I was expected NOT to teach on something that the word clearly addresses.

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