Thursday, July 20, 2006

Name that Shrubbery

Here are a few shrubbery photos from around my church. First person to name them correctly will win an autogrpahed photo of Jon Pearce. (valued at over $900) Rev. Pearce is the respected pastor and horticulturalist who planted these bushes.


Neil Cameron (One Salient Oversight) said...


G. F. McDowell said...

-NU! NU!
-No, it's "Ni!"
-Oh yes, right.

Anonymous said...

The shrub you have photographed appears to be a Southern Crape Myrtle. It is commonly found in the Southern States, especially in the Carolinas. You must be proud to have a horticulturalist as a friend.

I understand that there is a prize for listing the correct name of the said shrub. I would be interested in the $900 photograph. Why is the price so steep?

Tony Kummer said...

ARTHUR: O Knights of Ni, you are just and fair, and we will return with a shrubbery.

HEAD KNIGHT: One that looks nice.

ARTHUR: Of course.

HEAD KNIGHT: And not too expensive.


jazzycat said...

Yes, we have plenty of crape myrtle's here in Mississippi.
