Sunday, May 21, 2006

When TV becomes an idol

TV isn’t really that bad – but we are. Anything we love – want – treasure – enjoy – desire more than God is an idol. Lutheran freedom aside – keep yourselves from idols.

Here are some signs that TV is becoming an idol in your life.

  • If you spend more time watching TV than reading your Bible – Then your TV might be an idol.
  • If you are more concerned about a lost remote than a lost neighbor – Then your TV might be an idol.
  • If you spend more time flipping channels than you spend praying – Then your TV might be an idol.
  • If you spend more time with your TV than you do with your kids – Then your TV might be an idol.
  • If you spend more time “vegging out” with your TV than you do serving your wife – Then your TV might be an idol.
  • If you can’t live more than 5 days without your TV – Then your TV might be an idol.
  • If you consider Christians who abstain from TV as “weird” or “out of touch” – Then your TV might be an idol.
  • If you can give a complete history of American Idol but aren’t sure what the second commandment means for believers – Then your TV might be an idol.
  • If the only time your family assembles in one room is to watch “Deal or No Deal” – Then your TV might be an idol.
  • If your monthly contribution to the cable company exceeds your monthly giving at church – Then your TV might be an idol.
  • If your kids know all the Disney characters but none of the patriarchs – Then your TV might be an idol.
  • If you consider TiVo evidence of God’s Prevenient Grace – Then your TV might be an idol.

Full Disclosure: We turned off our Satellite about 6 weeks ago. In Hanover that means only one fuzzy channel. It has been a positive experience. But we are open to bringing it back next fall, in moderation. We still watch videos and play GameCube. Add blogging to that and technology continues to be a problem in our family.

Some things we have done in our extra time without the TV: talked more, played more, prayed more, read more, cleaned more, went to bed on time, walked around the block, painting around the house, smiled at my 4 month old son, played Legos more with my 5 year old son, played “puppy” with my three year old daughter.

Some things we have missed: useless news stories, the national weather outlook, soul numbing sit-coms, dehumanizing crime shows, political ad season, history channel.

HT: Motopolitico: Ideas on the problems of Television

HT: Calvinist Turkey Hunter: IS TV REALLY THAT BAD?

Will The Next Generation Treasure Christ? is a dialog on reforming children’s ministry and equipping parents - for the glory of Christ and the joy of our children.


Kenan said...

On many of those, I'd be willing to change the "might be" to an "is".

Tony Kummer said...

but then I would have to admit I am a wretched sinner . . . and repent of TV?